After having traveled to over 100 countries I have found there is always something amazing to photograph, whether it is a well worn tourist destination such as the Maldives or somewhere off the beaten path like Burundi.
Besides getting to create images of amazing people and places, photography has allowed me to get an inside look at the lives of people around the world. The most memorable was the 8 days I spent on a firewood boat on the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar documenting life along the river.
During these journeys my favorite mode of working is to get people at ease and then let them go about their normal routines. After a short while they do not notice me and I can operate like a fly on the wall. On the rare occasion when this mode of operation converges with a great story and beautiful light real magic happens.
I am always up for a project or adventure anywhere in the world, so if you have something in mind contact me and we can discuss it.